Ihr Reisetermin

Antarktis - Jenseits des Polarkreises - Marguerite Bay

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13.03. - 27.03.2026 (15 Tage)


Oceanwide Expeditions


MS Ortelius


Reiseverlauf abhängig von Wetter- und Eislage. Beschriebene Naturerlebnisse/Tiersichtungen sind mögliche Ereignisse auf den Expeditionen und nicht garantiert.

  • Day 1

    Your voyage begins where the world drops off. Ushuaia, Argentina, reputed to be the southernmost city on the planet, is located on the far southern tip of South America. Starting in the afternoon, you embark from this small resort town on Tierra del Fuego, nicknamed “The End of the World,” and sail the mountain-fringed Beagle Channel for the remainder of the evening.

  • Day 2-3

    Over the next two days on the Drake Passage, we will enjoy some of the same experiences encountered by the great polar explorers who first charted these regions: cool salt breezes, rolling seas, maybe even a fin whale spouting up sea spray. After passing the Antarctic Convergence – Antarctica’s natural boundary, formed when north-flowing cold waters collide with warmer sub-Antarctic seas – you are in the circum-Antarctic upwelling zone. Not only does the marine life change, the avian life changes too. Wandering albatrosses, grey-headed albatrosses, black-browed albatrosses, light-mantled sooty albatrosses, cape pigeons, southern fulmars, Wilson’s storm petrels, blue petrels, and Antarctic petrels are a few of the birds you might see.

  • Day 4-5

    Gray stone peaks sketched with snow, towers of broken blue-white ice, and dramatically different wildlife below and above. We first pass the snow-capped Melchior Islands and Schollaert Channel, sailing between Brabant and Anvers Islands.

    The planned itinerary for your Antarctic adventure includes the following destinations. The route may vary depending on ice, weather, and wildlife conditions.

    Cuverville Island – A small precipitous island nestled between the mountains of the Antarctic Peninsula and Rongé Island, Cuverville houses a large colony of gentoo penguins and breeding pairs of brown skuas.

    Paradise Bay – You could take a Zodiac cruise in these sprawling, ice-flecked waters before sailing to the Lemaire Channel.

    Pléneau & Petermann Islands – If the ice allows it, we may sail through the Lemaire Channel. There’s also a good chance you’ll encounter humpback and minke whales as well as leopard seals.

  • Day 6-9

    If the route to Crystal Sound/Hanusse Bay is ice-blocked, we may sail around Adelaide Island to Marguerite Bay. If ice conditions also do not allow for this route, we might explore the Antarctic Peninsula around Penola and Gerlache Straits.

  • Day 10-11

    You are near the Antarctic Circle again, cutting north through the countless ice floes of Crystal Sound. Humpback whale sightings are likely, and our approach to the Fish Islands offers the possibility of a Zodiac cruise or even a landing. Whatever the case, the views are beyond comparison in this area. Petermann & Pléneau Islands provide a great variety of birdlife, along with possibilities for Zodiac cruises among icebergs that are highly popular among leopard and crabeater seals. Minke whales, humpbacks, and gentoo penguins can also be found here.

    Detaille Island – We may make a landing at an abandoned British research station here, taking in the island’s lofty mountains and imposing glaciers.

    Conditions on the Drake Passage determine the exact time of departure.

  • Day 12-14

    Our return voyage will be far from lonely. While crossing the Drake, you’re again greeted by the vast array of seabirds remembered from the passage south. But they will seem a little more familiar to you now, and you to them.

  • Day 15

    Even great adventures must eventually come to an end. It’s now time to disembark in Ushuaia with memories that will accompany you wherever your next journey lies.

Im Preis inbegriffen

  • Reise an Bord des angegebenen Schiffes wie im Reiseplan angegeben

  • Alle Mahlzeiten während der gesamten Reise an Bord des Schiffes, einschließlich Snacks, Kaffee und Tee.

  • Alle Landausflüge und Aktivitäten während der gesamten Reise mit dem Zodiac.

  • Programm mit Vorträgen bekannter Naturforscher und Führung durch erfahrene Expeditionsmitarbeiter.

  • Kostenlose Nutzung von Gummistiefeln und Schneeschuhen.

  • Gepäcktransport vom Abholort zum Schiff am Tag der Einschiffung in Ushuaia.

  • Vorgeplanter Gruppentransfer vom Schiff zum Flughafen in Ushuaia (direkt nach der Ausschiffung).

  • Alle sonstigen Steuern und Hafengebühren während des gesamten Programms.

  • Umfassendes Material vor der Abreise.

Nicht im Preis inbegriffen

  • Alle Flugkosten, ob für Linien- oder Charterflüge

  • Vorkehrungen vor und nach der Landung.

  • Reisepass- und Visakosten.

  • Staatliche Ankunfts- und Ausreisesteuern.

  • Mahlzeiten an Land.

  • Reisegepäck-, Reiserücktritts- und Personenversicherungen (die dringend empfohlen werden).

  • Gebühren für Übergepäck und alle persönlichen Ausgaben wie Wäsche-, Bar-, Getränke- und Telekommunikationsgebühren.

  • Das übliche Trinkgeld am Ende der Reise für Stewards und anderes Servicepersonal an Bord (Richtlinien werden zur Verfügung gestellt).

Ihr Schiff

Ihr Schiff ist die "MS Ortelius". Ausführlich stellen wir Ihnen dieses Schiff auf unseren Schiffseiten vor. Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Schiff.









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